Timothy M Gregory

Streaming - Watercolor

Artist Biography:

Art has always been a part of my life, but much more so in the past few years. My first passion is music and playing drums. Over the past 30 years or so, I have been in a bunch of different bands (cover and original). During the post-punk era, I spent a couple years as an audio engineer at Oz Recording Studio in Baltimore, MD. I was fortunate to work with some amazing bands including a personal fave of mine – Jawbox. Today, I finance my art and music habit working as an IT geek at Johns Hopkins Hospital.

Over the years, I experimented with pointillism, pyrography, sculpture, screen printing, furniture making, etc. More recently, I have focused most of my artistic time on watercolor painting. There’s an unpredictability with watercolor that makes it a very challenging medium; however, that unpredictability is what I find most inspiring. Watercolor has a mind of its own and it requires the artist to relinquish some of the control to the medium itself. In doing so, the artist forms a partnership between their personal artistic vision and what the medium naturally wants to do. This partnership results in some amazing outcomes (and failures) that are difficult if not impossible to achieve with other paint mediums.

There are a wide variety of subjects and styles that I enjoy painting. Watercolor allows me to explore many subjects and styles because I can work quickly and produce a lot of paintings. I consciously choose not to spend weeks or months on a piece because I get bored easily. The spontaneity and immediacy of watercolor allows me to quickly produce a finished product of whatever is currently inspiring me. As soon as the painting is done, I am ready to move on to the next one…and the next one…and the next one…