Artist Biography:
I’m a born and raised New Yorker. I have an Associate Degree in Commercial Illustration from Endicott College and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design from Savannah College of Art and Design. I’m a retired Therapeutic Recreation Therapist. For over 25 years I have used art to help patients and residents in mental institutions and long-term care facilities to express their feeling and emotions through art therapy. I have had my work on exhibit at Westchester Medical Center and Beth Abraham Health Center. During my last year at Endicott, I was asked by Mrs. Coretta Scott-King to paint a mural on The King Center for Nonviolent Social Change in Atlanta GA. My regret was declining the invitation due to lack of housing.
Artist Statement:
I’m using my art and stepping out on faith. Capturing images and moments one would normally take for granted is now a privilege to interpret on a two-dimensional space.