Email: hedgerowstitches@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/suebromm
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cronemadness/
Phone: (443) 944-3900
Artist Biography:
While most of my life I have been involved with Retail, Culinary or Health Care, I have worked with fabric for over 65 years. Covid shutdown and Instagram brought me into my truly Creative and Artistic mode. Across my Instagram feed were women around the world printing fabric with leaves by steaming! I now follow women in Australia, Israel, Europe and West Coast of the US. My four-room farmhouse is now a three-room studio with a bedroom and bath room. Since then, I have shown my work in shows at the Art League of Ocean City, Salisbury Art Space, and the Somerset Arts Council. In March of 2024, I received the Women in the Arts Grant from the Art League of Ocean City and the Community Foundation of Salisbury, Md. I also have taught in each of these venues, as well as others.
Artist Statement:
My work‘s genre is under the umbrella of Botanical Printing. I gather foliage and flowers, mostly from my yard, to create beautiful pieces on silk, wool, cotton or linen. Each piece is either steamed or simmered, for the pigments in the foliage to imprint on the fabric. Once printed, I add hand stitching using hand dyed threads. My mission with my work is to give Nature a Voice and encourage people to become aware of our Interdependence with Nature.