Artist Biography:
I have been involved with visual arts in one media or another since I can remember. A habitual student, I have attended The Corcoran School of Art, Vermont College, The Alexandria Art League, and more workshops than I can list here. I have worked in pottery, plasters, stained glass, painted in acrylics, oils, watercolors – the list goes on. I love exploring new media. For most of my working life I was in the printing industry. For eight years I was the proprietor and principal artist at SQ Design Studios, a mural and faux finishing business. It was so fun and rewarding – and very physical. Here I learned large scale imagery can be pretty powerful.
Upon retiring from a direct mail non-profit where I worked in graphics, I stumbled onto soft pastels and found my passion. The brilliant colors and immediacy of the medium changed my perspective. No longer intent on large scale, the smaller format of pastels allows me to experiment in ways I never would have before. As I grow as a pastel artist, my work becomes larger and larger! Not a surprise. I live in Ocean Pines, just outside of Ocean City. My family, including 3 sons, 3 daughters-in-law, 6 grandchildren, 2 dogs and 2 cats, all live within 150 miles of me. Subsequently, frequent trips across the Bay Bridge as well as my own east coast seascapes, marshes and farms are a huge inspiration. I enjoy Spec Tennis, the beach, gardening, decorating, shopping (ask my husband) & watching him fish off Assateague Island while enjoying my friends and family. It’s a good life.
Artist Statement:
I paint all sorts of subjects but find I am always drawn back to landscapes and seascapes. The light, the atmosphere, the color both pure and muted – these are the things that bring me back again and again. Nothing is ever the same twice – if you look close enough. The possibilities are endless.