To Become a Corporate Partner: Click Here.
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Be a pART of ART.
Be a pART of Your Community.
ART is pART of Our Community
Join our growing list of corporate partners who make Ocean City a better place to live and a more desirable destination. Your partnership supports the Ocean City Center for the Arts, and our mission is to promote the visual arts through education, exhibits, scholarships, special events, and programs in the community.

Macky Stansell: Macky’s

Judy Schoellkopf, Old Pro Golf

Jim Almand, Ayres Jenkins Gordy & Almand

Michelle Fager

Rolfe Gudelsky, Gudelsky Family Foundation
To Become a Corporate Partner Click Here.
Please also consider tax-deductible and tax-advantaged legacy gifts through wills, trusts and other estate gifts to ensure the continued vitality and sustainability of the ALOC to serve future generations. Consult with your attorney, financial advisor or tax accountant.

Jeff & Jamie Albright