Artist Biography:
I became creative before I emigrated to Vienna, Austria, when I was 14. I hold a Bachelor of Arts (Honors) degree in Graphic Design and a Master of Arts in Arts and Creative Technologies both from Staffordshire University in Stoke-on-Trent, England. I have completed a graphic design internship with the wendy.network and at the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) in Vienna, Austria. But today, I find myself on a new creative journey to incorporate music production and DJ performance with these graphic skills – offering a multi-sensory experience.
Artist Statement:
I am an autistic motion graphic artist & designer (+ electronica music producer). Throughout my entire life, I faced many challenges that “typical” kids do not. It took me a long time to speak as a child, and communication is still difficult. Because of my autism, I struggle with verbal communication. Talking with people and writing my thoughts are difficult because it is hard to find the right words for me to say. Through my art, I feel free. I think autism has given me a unique perspective, and I hope it comes through in my art. My understanding of the world may differ as my senses are always on high alert. For example, I see pictures in my head when I hear music. Or, when I think of a movie, I can see it and listen to it playing in my mind. Sometimes these constant bombardments are unwelcome and may overwhelm me, but this allows me to boost my visual communication to let my works convey an intended message in a manner that I may not be able to verbalize.